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Up Next in July, 2021

  • Beginning of the End; Isaiah 25-27

    Eschatology is a word that means the study of the last things. It relates to the end of this world as we know it, and how God will continue. God uses His prophets to share messages about the end of time and the beginning of eternity. Isaiah 27 is a part of a larger whole that speaks about how God...

  • Making God LORD Again; Isaiah 28-29

    The second of five woes is aimed at Jerusalem. In Isaiah 29:1, the Bible says: Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt‚ Many scholars point out that the meaning of the word Ariel in Hebrew is lion of God' - portraying a strong city. It is relevant that the Hebrew word Ariel sounds l...

  • Choose God's Help; Isaiah 30-32

    An important thing to remember is that God offers help. The people of ancient Israel forgot this; specifically, those living after the time of the prophet Isaiah. God was always there to accept repentance, but the people only saw His failure to help them. This is a common human problem. We only s...