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Up Next in July, 2021

  • Tremble at His Word; Isaiah 64-66

    Religion is man's way of finding and connecting with God. The LORD made a way for ancient Israel to connect with Him, and He has made a way for us to connect with Him. This way cannot be fulfilled through religion. our connection with God must be physical and spiritual. Jesus Christ came - full...

  • The Call; Jeremiah 1-3

    God calls each of us to a unique task. He has purposes for all of us. Unfortunately, there are many who choose to go against His call. All too often we make life all about ourselves. We tirelessly look for ways to make life better for us. What if there's more than this? What if we can help others...

  • God's Justice in Judgment; Jeremiah 4-6

    only one thing is worse than God's judgment on the world: God's judgment on those who know Him and so, should know better. We must love the LORD and His ways. In Jeremiah 5, we learn about the corruption and immorality of God's people in Jerusalem. They loved God for what He was, not who He was. ...