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Up Next in August, 2021

  • Goodbye Babylon; Jeremiah 51-52

    Mankind always follows the gods he chooses, resulting in leadership that either succeeds or fails. Ancient Babylon was broken into pieces and destroyed because of the gods she chose. Jeremiah 51 records this utter destruction of Babylon, this nation who set herself in direct and willful rebellion...

  • A Rebellious House; Ezekiel 1-4

    Ezekiel was a deeply committed individual among the citizens of Judah who had been deported to Babylon when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem in 598-597 BC. His Hebrew name means the strength of God.‚ Ezekiel received his call as a prophet at the age of 30, the year he should have started his duti...

  • Knowing God; Ezekiel 5-7

    Ezekiel speaks divinely inspired words that the Holy Spirit wants conveyed to all of us. In Ezekiel 7, God tells Israel that He will show Himself so that they will know He is God. The difficulty in Israel at this time was that their idolatry ran deep. They no longer knew the one True God. They be...