Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)
Knowing God; Ezekiel 5-7
Season 8, Episode 7
Ezekiel speaks divinely inspired words that the Holy Spirit wants conveyed to all of us. In Ezekiel 7, God tells Israel that He will show Himself so that they will know He is God. The difficulty in Israel at this time was that their idolatry ran deep. They no longer knew the one True God. They believed in many gods and had integrated other cultural practices into their traditional worship of God, against His direct instruction. The LORD God was attempting to make His people, called by His name, know that He alone is the LORD of all. God was dealing with the beliefs of His people. Too often, this is still what we face today. Remember that idolatry is not only the worship of idols, but also worshipping a god that we make up out of our own ideas, rejecting the God of the Bible and constructing a version of Him that we like better. This self-deception makes us more comfortable and allows us to avoid the sometimes-harsh reality of God as He actually is.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways.
Up Next in August, 2021
Messengers; Ezekiel 8-11
A lot of what we know about angels is speculation. Strong's Hebrew Lexicon shows that the word angel comes from a Hebrew transliteration of the word malak, an unused root meaning, (to) dispatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically, of God i.e. an angel (also a prophet, priest or teacher): ambas...
Idols in Your Heart; Ezekiel 12-15
When we talk about idols we tend to assume a statue made of stone or metal. But Ezekiel, motivated by the Holy Spirit, told how God sees the idols we set up in our hearts and minds - things we worship and serve with our thoughts and imaginations. In Ezekiel 14, God has Ezekiel confront the men ...
Jerusalem's Evil; Ezekiel 16-17
Pride is never a good thing, especially when you become a Christian. We learn from the Bible that pride is an enemy of God. When we are proud people, God's Word tells us that we are ready for a devastating fall. Proverbs 16:18-19 says: Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a ...