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Up Next in August, 2021

  • It's Coming!; Ezekiel 28-30

    The world empires were changing and shifting during the time of Judah's fall. They were all pushing their own power and greatness. It took quite a bit of force and skill for Babylon to conquer the nations that resisted them. one of these great kingdoms was ancient Egypt. They were an old nation, ...

  • Monsters!; Ezekiel 31-33

    The resistance of one who is willfully rebelling against the will of God and the Word of God ends up in total destruction. In fact, in Ezekiel 32, the rebel is called a monster. one meaning of the word monster in English is: Any animal or human grotesquely deviating from the normal shape, behavio...

  • Ruins Rebuilt; Ezekiel 34-36

    The oldest nation on earth with its religion, language, and culture is Israel. The name itself appears first in Genesis 32:28, thousands of years ago. The New Testament, which was written to uncover the truth of Jesus Christ, records some of the last ancient history of Israel. Within 70-74 years ...