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Up Next in September, 2021

  • Our Sin Was Paid For; Haggai 1-2

    The prophet Haggai challenged the people in Jerusalem to return to God. He urged them to take a good look at the way they were living and change to please God according to His laws. Haggai spoke to them about the holiness of God and how God desired the people to be holy too. Haggai was living aft...

  • The Future of Israel; Zechariah 1-4

    The prophet Zechariah returns to Judah with the former exiles and has visions of Israel's future. His overall message is both challenging and encouraging to the Israelites. Zechariah's first and main emphasis was not the rebuilding of structures, but a return to the covenant between God and His p...

  • How's our Hearing?; Zechariah 5-8

    Sometimes it is hard to hear the plain truths of the Scripture over the sound of our own ideas. We all have things that we want to be true, meanings that we import into our understanding of the Bible. We need to develop an honest relationship with God in which we are bold enough to lay open our h...