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Up Next in September, 2021

  • Abomination of Desolation; Matthew 24-25

    The abomination of desolation‚ is first mentioned by Daniel (DANIEL 9:27, 11:31, 12:11) and two other times in the Gospels (MATTHEW 24:15, MARK 13:14). Many scholars point to the intertestamental era in 167 BC as the abomination of desolation when Antiochus IV Epiphanes invaded Jerusalem and erec...

  • Do We Listen To God?; Matthew 26

    one of the more amazing things about the Bible is its commitment to honesty. The disciples of Christ are not put forward as supermen who have no troubles or hang ups like many others in different religions. If we read the Bible as is, and do not attempt to modify it in any way, then we discover t...

  • Crucify Him!; Matthew 27-28

    The story of Jesus' conviction and death is tragic and awful, humanly speaking, but is vital to our relationship with God. There are very few scholars who doubt that He lived and died. However, the problem arises with the claims that Jesus Christ rose from the dead in the flesh. A study published...