A father and son are thrust into a chain of events that will change their lives forever.
Up Next in Billy Graham Movies
The Prodigal
NOTE: May not be appropriate for all audiences.
The parable comes to life in this five-time award-winner! The American dream becomes a nightmare when the Stuart family drifts apart. Son Greg's return home only widens the gap. It's time to find a foundation. -
Time to Run
NoTE: May not be appropriate for all audiences.
originally seen by more than 6 million people in theaters, the timeless classic that touched a generation is available on DVD for the first time. Time to Run is the powerful coming-of-age story of Jeff Cole (Randall Carver, There Will Be Blood, Taxi... -
For Pete's Sake!
on a damp, gray Sunday afternoon, thousands of people gather in a Denver, Colorado, stadium. Quietly, they listen to evangelist Billy Graham talk about God's love for them. Moved by the message, the Harper family - like so many others - finds themselves going forward. What then?
This is the touc...
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