Biology with Dr. Purdom
Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University. She formerly served as an assistant and associate professor of biology at Mt. Vernon Nazarene University. Dr. Purdom is the director of Educational Content and actively speaks and writes for Answers in Genesis.
All Creatures Great and Small, Part 1 - Dr. Georgia Purdom
Part 1: Bacteria are often used as a model organism for evolutionary biology, but there are many reasons this is not appropriate. This interesting presentation uses a creationist perspective to help us understand God's original design and purpose for microbes and how various genetic mechanisms si...
All Creatures Great and Small, Part 2 - Dr. Georgia Purdom
Part 2: Bacteria are often used as a model organism for evolutionary biology, but there are many reasons this is not appropriate. This interesting presentation uses a creationist perspective to help us understand God's original design and purpose for microbes and how various genetic mechanisms si...
All Creatures Great and Small, Part 3 - Dr. Georgia Purdom
Part 3: Bacteria are often used as a model organism for evolutionary biology, but there are many reasons this is not appropriate. This interesting presentation uses a creationist perspective to help us understand God's original design and purpose for microbes and how various genetic mechanisms si...
Genesis, Science, and the Culture War
Ken Ham and Dr. Georgia Purdom spoke in a packed auditorium at the University of Central oklahoma about cultural issues and the battle of foundations.
The Intelligent Design Movement: How Intelligent Is It?
The Intelligent Design (ID) Movement has gained much popularity in both secular and Christian circles in recent years. Dr. Georgia Purdom reveals the history and unravels the good, the bad, and the ugly of this new‚ idea regarding origins.
Wonder of the Cell - Dr. Georgia Purdom
Dr. Georgia Purdom uses her intimate knowledge of the inner workings of a cell to provide you a glimpse of its amazing complexity. Detailed computer animations show how the intricate machinery working in a single cell can only be explained as the handiwork of a Master Designer.
Hope Amid Despair - Dr. Georgia Purdom
Eve was the original bad girl of the Bible who left a legacy of sin and despair that affects our parenting and marriages even today. But Eve has another legacy through her seed came Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of man. Dr. Georgia Purdom's presentation will walk you through the life and legacies of...
Eugenics, Abortion, and our Future: The Quest for Perfection
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.‚ Sadly, our culture is poised to repeat a grave error in the most serious of areashuman life.
A tragic chapter in history began in the early 1900s with the rise of the eugenics (which means well-born‚) movement. Many prominent philan...
E4: Eugenics, Abortion, and Genetics 2
Part 2: What was the eugenics movement? Is there a resurgence of eugenics brewing in America today? Find sound biblical answers to these questions and many more in this compelling 2-part program featuring Dr. Georgia Purdom.
E3: Eugenics, Abortion, and Genetics 1
Part 1: What was the eugenics movement? Is there a resurgence of eugenics brewing in America today? Find sound biblical answers to these questions and many more in this compelling 2-part program featuring Dr. Georgia Purdom.
Are Humans Related to Chimps? - Dr Georgia Purdom
one of the biggest debates in evangelical Christianity today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Sadly, many believe that genetics has proven that humans and chimps share a common ancestor disproving the existence of an original couple specially created by God. As a consequence, many have b...
Anatomy and Physiology of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Dr. Georgia Purdom, molecular geneticist and speaker at Answers in Genesis, presents at the Answers Easter Event.
Be Bold For Truth
In one of her most powerful messages, molecular geneticist and Answers in Genesis speaker, Dr. Georgia Purdom, speaks to thousands of college students at her alma mater, Cedarville University. In this enlightening presentation, Dr. Purdom challenges the next generation to stand boldly and uncompr...
4/18 When to Use the Bible
Pro-infanticide, but anti-animal cruelty, When to use the Bible, Billboard promotes murder, redefining historical figures, a many-armed sea monster . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast from the Ark Encounter with Ken Ham and Dr. Georgia Purdom.
The Genetics of Adam & Eve
one of the biggest debates in evangelical Christianity today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Join Dr. Georgia Purdom as she delves into the genetics behind humanity.
Wonder of DNA
Dr. Georgia Purdom reveals how DNA bears the stamp of being designed and created by God.
Are People Born Gay? (2019) - Dr. Georgia Purdom
We need to lovingly show that, regardless of feelings, the choice to embrace any sexual lifestyle other than God's design for marriage is sin, and as with any sin, the only hope for deliverance is the redeeming work of God's grace offered through his Son Jesus Christ.
Suffering - Dr. Georgia Purdom
Filmed at the 2015 Answers for Women Conference, this program discusses answers to life's toughest questions about God and suffering.
The Code of Life
Dissect the evidence found in DNA for clues to its origin and find that the processes touted by evolutionists are greatly embellished.
Genetics, Evolution, and Creation (2020)
Genetics, Evolution, and Creation: Most Asked Questions
From beneficial mutations to natural selection to junk‚ DNA, many evolutionists attempt to use discoveries in the field of genetics as supposed proof for the common ancestry of all life on earth. But does what we observe in genetics really ...
Are Humans Related to Chimps?
one of the biggest debates in evangelical Christianity today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Sadly, many believe that genetics has proven that humans and chimps share a common ancestor disproving the existence of an original couple specially created by God. As a consequence, many have b...
Genetics, Evolution, and Creation (2009) - Dr. Georgia Purdom
Genetics, Evolution, and Creation: Most Asked Questions
From gene duplication to beneficial mutations, more and more evolutionists are attempting to use discoveries in the field of genetics as proof for common ancestry of life on earth. In this informative video, Georgia Purdom (PhD, molecular g...