The Code of Life
Biology with Dr. Purdom
Dissect the evidence found in DNA for clues to its origin and find that the processes touted by evolutionists are greatly embellished.
Up Next in Biology with Dr. Purdom
Genetics, Evolution, and Creation (2020)
Genetics, Evolution, and Creation: Most Asked Questions
From beneficial mutations to natural selection to junk‚ DNA, many evolutionists attempt to use discoveries in the field of genetics as supposed proof for the common ancestry of all life on earth. But does what we observe in genetics really ...
Are Humans Related to Chimps?
one of the biggest debates in evangelical Christianity today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Sadly, many believe that genetics has proven that humans and chimps share a common ancestor disproving the existence of an original couple specially created by God. As a consequence, many have b...
Genetics, Evolution, and Creation (20...
Genetics, Evolution, and Creation: Most Asked Questions
From gene duplication to beneficial mutations, more and more evolutionists are attempting to use discoveries in the field of genetics as proof for common ancestry of life on earth. In this informative video, Georgia Purdom (PhD, molecular g...