Canada Feature Videos
6 Seasons
Answers in Genesis, Canada (AiG CA) equips thousands of Canadians and millions worldwide to defend their faith and proclaim the gospel more frequently and effectively through our powerful video content.
From 60-second shorts to our multi-episode Answers Originals, AiG CA produces a wide variety of high-impact media content guaranteed to invigorate the faith of believers and challenge skeptics to consider the truth claims of God’s word from the very first verse!
22:10Episode 1
S2E1 The Trojan Horse of Long Ages
Episode 1
A look at how the modern western church's battle over biblical authority really began approximately 200 years ago by a seemingly innocuous compromise in an area that few Christians thought of as (and many today still think is not) important. Discover the Trojan Horse of Long Ages.
20:20Episode 2
S2E2 Defining Genesis
Episode 2
Defining Genesis. The original Webster's Dictionary shows belief in a literal Genesis was commonplace before long ages and Darwinism.
11:17Episode 3
S2E3 The Tireless Dragon of old
Episode 3
The Bible describes a centuries-old serpent dedicated to the systematic, eternal destruction of every man, woman and child that's ever been born. Trying to avoid the schemes of the Tireless Dragon of old won't work. Rather, believers need to understand his main attack, how it manifests itself tod...
S2E4 Samurai, Sushi, and Survival of the Fittest
Episode 4
For those of you like me, who grew up going to state-run schools and watching mainstream media and entertainment, evolutionary stories like the Samurai crab supposedly being proof' of evolution should cause us to consider something: The false narratives we often readily recognize on our daily ne...
S1E1 The Genesis Account: Was There Really a Noah's Ark?
Was There Really a Noah's Ark? This account is one of the most widely known events in the history of mankind. Unfortunately, in this day and age, its often taken as a mere fairy tale. Hear sound reasoning why it can be trusted in this enlightening and visually rich exploration of Noah's Ark.
S1E2 The Genesis Account: How was Noah's Ark designed?
How was Noah's Ark designed? Noah's Ark has been depicted in a wide variety of ways over the years, even among the Christian church. And this is likely because in contrast to other divinely specified constructions in the Bible, the description of the Ark in Genesis 6 is very brief. However, even...
S1E3 The Genesis Account: Where did all of the water go?
Where did all of the water go? The account of Noah's Flood is not just contested by secular sources today, but by much of Christendom itself. Many champion the idea of Noah's Flood simply being a local event rather than believing it was the worldwide deluge described in Genesis 6-9, often asking ...
S1E4 The Genesis Account: Where is the physical evidence for Noah's Flood?
Some have declared that there is absolutely no evidence of a global flood on earth, while others contend it's all around us. How can there be such a divide on the issue, even among Bible believers? Explore these issues in this enlightening and visually rich investigation of Noah's Ark.
S1E5 The Genesis Account: Where is Noah's Ark?
Where is Noah's Ark? Where did Noah's Ark land, and has anyone found it? Did other cultures have legends of a worldwide flood? Explore these fascinating topics in this enlightening and visually rich investigation of Noah's Ark.
S1E6 The Genesis Account: How many kinds were on the Ark?
How many kinds were on the Ark? What exactly are the biblical ‘kinds' of animals the Bible refers to that were on Noah's Ark, how many were there onboard, and how could only 8 people possibly care for all of them? Explore these issues in this enlightening and visually rich investigation of Noah...
S1E7 The Genesis Account: How many individual animals were on board?
How many individual animals were on board? Having examined what the biblical kinds' of animals the Bible refers to that were aboard Noah's Ark, we now explore how many were there onboard, how could they possibly all fit on board, and how could only 8 people possibly care for all of them? Explore...
S1E8 The Genesis Account: How did it all work inside the Ark?
How did it all work inside the Ark? Even considering the incredible size of Noah's Ark, there are legitimate practical considerations that skeptics have brought up to discredit the biblical account. Explore these issues in this enlightening and visually rich investigation of the inner workings of...
S1E9 The Genesis Account: 5 Places Noah's Ark Was Found!
5 places Noah's Ark was found! Many people have made declarations of discovering the Ark's resting place, but all have failed. Explore these claims in this enlightening and visually rich investigation of Noah's Ark.
S1E10 The Genesis Account: Noah the Evangelist
Noah the Evangelist. Scripture says that the Patriarch Noah was not just a ship builder, but a preacher of righteousness. And his message is the same now as it was then.