Are churches teaching young people Bible storiesor history? Some might think these are synonymous; however, often the honest answer to this question is that most children from Christian homes are presented the biblical narratives and big picture concepts‚ of Scripture as stories‚ rather than real historical accounts that include topics like dinosaurs.
Up Next in Canada Feature Videos 2023
S4E5 Defend What You Love
Apologetics is the study and practice of giving logical, reasoned arguments for the rationality and truth of the Christian faith. If it makes sense we should physically train to defend what is important in life, how much more should we train to defend with what is most precious of all?
S4E6 Ugly Sweater of Faith
Many Christians in the West are watching the unravelling of their faith played out before their eyes. They can still see some of the familiar images and influence of the Christian era their culture once embraced interwoven into the fabric of society, but it no longer seems bright, tight, and cohe...
S4E7 Did God Create a Flat Earth
Equating belief in a flat earth as similar to belief in biblical creation has been a favorite tactic for atheists, as a cudgel to discredit and demean opposition to the story of evolution for quite a while. However, many Christians are declaring belief in a flat earth now- but is that what the Bi...