Wonder Junction
12 Seasons
There’s no greater joy than to praise the name of the Lord all day long. But how can yer kids do that if they don’t know who Jesus is or what he’s done for them? Here at Wonder Junction, we marvel at Jesus and live for his glory. Wonder and amazement await us each day at Wonder Junction, where kids gather at the All Aboard Assembly, a high-energy beginning that includes wacky intros, lively songs, a Mission Moment, and prayer.
Genuine - Romans 12: 9-10 (Memory Verse Lyrics)
Episode 1
Answers VBS-Wonder Junction
Seeds Contemporary Music Memory Verse
Genuine - Romans 12: 9-10 (Memory Verse Lyrics) -
Life In His Name - John 20:31 (Memory Verse Lyrics)
Episode 2
Answers VBS - Wonder Junction
Seeds Family Contemporary Music Memory Verse
Life in His Name - John 20:31 (Memory Verse Lyrics) -
From the Rising of the Sun - Psalm 113:3 (Memory Verse Lyrics)
Episode 3
Answers VBS - Wonder Junction
Seeds Contemporary Memory Verse Lyrics
From the Rising of the Sun - Psalm 113:3 (Memory Verse Lyrics) -
Serve the Lord - Romans 12:11-13 (Memory Verse Lyrics)
Episode 4
Answers VBS - Wonder Junction
Seeds Contemporary Memory Verse
Serve the Lord-Romans 12:11-13 (Memory Verse Lyrics) -
So Much More - John 21:25 (Memory Verse Lyrics)
Episode 5
Answers VBS - Wonder Junction
Seeds Contemporary Music Memory Verse
So Much More - John 21:25 (Memory Verse Lyrics) -
We Have Seen His Glory - John 1:14 (Memory Verse Lyrics)
Episode 6
Answers VBS - Wonder Junction
Seeds Family Contemporary Music Memory Verse
We Have Seen His Glory - John 1:14 (Memory Verse Lyrics) -
In Wisdom In Stature In Favor - Luke 2:52 (Memory Verse Lyrics)
Episode 7
Answers VBS - Wonder Junction
Seeds Contemporary Memory Verse Lyrics
In Wisdom In Stature In Favor - Luke 2:52 (Memory Verse Lyrics) -
Your Kingdom Come - Matthew 6:10 (Memory Verse Lyrics)
Episode 8
Answers VBS-Wonder Junction
Seeds Contemporary Memory Verse Lyrics
Your Kingdom Come-Matthew 6:10 (Memory Verse Lyrics)