Contending for Creation Webinar 2021

Contending for Creation Webinar 2021

Our UK team hosted a creation webinar. This unique conference focuses on the various key aspects of creation and events recorded in Genesis 1-11 which are often misrepresented, e.g. The Flood and The Tower of Babel.


Genesis 1: What means this text? Simon Turpin (talk time:31:06-1:24-52)
Simon Turpin (BA, MA Theology) is the Executive Director and Speaker for Answers in Genesis–UK

This talk looks at the purpose and meaning of Genesis 1 and why God gave it to the people of Israel to combat the false worldview of their day. It also shows why Genesis 1 should be understood as a historical account which teaches that God created everything in six literal days.


God's Designer World Prof. Stuart Burgess (talk time:1:43:42-2:23:46)
Stuart Burgess (BSc(Eng), PhD, CEng, FIMechE) is a professor of engineering at a university in the UK.

The talk explains how the earth contains all the materials necessary for man to carry out every type of human activity, including building, farming, technology, and even sports and leisure. Examples of amazing design that will be described include grass, wood, milk, honey, dogs, horses, and the colour scheme of creation.


How to Recognise a Flood Deposit Joseph Hubbard (talk time: 2:43:23 - 3:26:56)
Joseph Hubbard (Dip. Zool, B.Sc., Paleobiology) is the Director of Creation Research UK.

In this talk, Joseph uses research from around the globe to show you how to recognise rocks and fossils that have been laid down by a flood - and how to relate them back to the Biblical flood of Noah's day.


Dinosaurs and the Bible Prof. Steve Taylor (talk time: 3:47:34 - 4:31:43)
Prof. Steve Taylor (DSc, PhD, MEng, BSc, FInstPhys, FIEE) is head of the Mass Spectrometry Research Group in the School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Liverpool, UK.

Museums, media, and schools all proclaim that dinosaurs died millions of years ago. But what is the truth? Only when we start with the Bible can we understand the true history of dinosaurs.


Was Adam the First Human? Dr Nathaniel Jeanson (talk time: 4:54:49 - 5:53:01)
Dr Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University and is a speaker, researcher and writer for Answers in Genesis-US.

Does modern genetics refute the existence of a literal Adam and Eve? Within the last decade, critics of young-earth creation have increasingly made this claim. Does it stand up to scrutiny? Do we all go back to one original couple? Or do we descend from a population of ancestors?


Biblical Cosmology Dr Danny Faulkner (talk time: 6:17:08 - 7:02:38)
Dr Danny Faulkner holds a PhD and MA in astronomy, an MS in physics and a BS in Math and is a speaker, researcher and writer for Answers in Genesis-US.

The Bible does not contain much specific information about cosmology. For instance, the Bible doesn’t directly tell us the earth’s shape, nor does it tell us whether the earth moves around the sun. However, we can glean some information from days two and four of the Genesis 1 creation account to develop some basic understanding of biblical cosmology. This leads to some conclusions that are contrary to what most modern cosmologists think. Surprisingly, these conclusions provide an explanation for the cosmic microwave background (CMB) that is considered to be the best evidence for the big bang model.


The Tower of Babel Bodie Hodge (talk time: 7:16:37 - 8:30:28)
Bodie Hodge holds a BS and MS in mechanical engineering and is a speaker, researcher and writer for Answers in Genesis-US.

Many of today’s scholars write off what occurred at the Tower of Babel as mythology and deny that it was a historical event. Beginning with the biblical accounts, author Bodie Hodge researched ancient texts, critical clues, and rare historic records to help solve the mystery of what happened to the families that built Babel. Teens and adults can use this layman’s friendly overview of what happened during the Tower of Babel dispersion, and beyond!

Contending for Creation Webinar 2021
  • Genesis 1 What Means This Text - Simon Turpin

    This talk looks at the purpose and meaning of Genesis 1 and why God gave it to the people of Israel to combat the false worldview of their day. It also shows why Genesis 1 should be understood as a historical account which teaches that God created everything in six literal days.

  • God's Designer World - Stuart Burgess

    The talk explains how the earth contains all the materials necessary for man to carry out every type of human activity, including building, farming, technology, and even sports and leisure. Examples of amazing design that will be described include grass, wood, milk, honey, dogs, horses, and the c...

  • How to Recognise a Flood Deposit - Joseph Hubbard

    In this talk, Joseph uses research from around the globe to show you how to recognise rocks and fossils that have been laid down by a flood - and how to relate them back to the Biblical flood of Noah's day.

  • Dinosaurs and the Bible - Professor Steve Taylor

    Museums, media, and schools all proclaim that dinosaurs died millions of years ago. But what is the truth? only when we start with the Bible can we understand the true history of dinosaurs.

  • Was Adam the First Human? - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

    Does modern genetics refute the existence of a literal Adam and Eve? Within the last decade, critics of young-earth creation have increasingly made this claim. Does it stand up to scrutiny? Do we all go back to one original couple? or do we descend from a population of ancestors?

  • Biblical Cosmology - Dr. Danny Faulkner

    The Bible does not contain much specific information about cosmology. For instance, the Bible doesn't directly tell us the earth's shape, nor does it tell us whether the earth moves around the sun. However, we can glean some information from days two and four of the Genesis 1 creation account to ...

  • The Tower of Babel (2021) - Bodie Hodge

    Many of today's scholars write off what occurred at the Tower of Babel as mythology and deny that it was a historical event. Beginning with the biblical accounts, author Bodie Hodge researched ancient texts, critical clues, and rare historic records to help solve the mystery of what happened to t...