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How to Recognise a Flood Deposit - Joseph Hubbard

Contending for Creation Webinar 2021

Up Next in Contending for Creation Webinar 2021

  • Dinosaurs and the Bible - Professor S...

    Museums, media, and schools all proclaim that dinosaurs died millions of years ago. But what is the truth? only when we start with the Bible can we understand the true history of dinosaurs.

  • Was Adam the First Human? - Dr. Natha...

    Does modern genetics refute the existence of a literal Adam and Eve? Within the last decade, critics of young-earth creation have increasingly made this claim. Does it stand up to scrutiny? Do we all go back to one original couple? or do we descend from a population of ancestors?

  • Biblical Cosmology - Dr. Danny Faulkner

    The Bible does not contain much specific information about cosmology. For instance, the Bible doesn't directly tell us the earth's shape, nor does it tell us whether the earth moves around the sun. However, we can glean some information from days two and four of the Genesis 1 creation account to ...

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