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GREAT Conversations with Calvin Smith

S3E3 The bid for Intellectual Credibility‚ among many Christian leaders

Season 3, Episode 3

Up Next in Season 3

  • S3E4 How Genesis relates to a life & ...

    Calvin Smith discusses with special guest and pro-life activist Hannah Salamon-Vegh the cultural implications of a society that has abandoned Genesis as it's foundation and its impact on life and death issues facing the church and culture in Canada.

  • S3E5 Loving God with your mind

    Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses how loving God includes a spectrum of heart, soul, and mind, not simply an emotional commitment, but an intellectual one as well.

  • S3E6 Genesis- Common sense, science &...

    Special guest Dr. Dustin Burlet shares his personal exploration of various nuanced arguments including the common idea that near eastern creation narratives somehow influenced biblical authorship of the Genesis text.