GREAT Conversations with Calvin Smith
S7E32 The Mirage of Deep Time
Season 7, Episode 32
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses the fallacious foundation on which the evolutionary worldview has always been perchedthe concept of millions of years‚without which, the entire story could never have gotten off the ground.
Up Next in Season 7
S7E33 A Variety of Traits one Human F...
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses why racism is completely unbiblical and demonstrably unscientific.
S7E34 Tall tales about human tails pa...
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses the most popular example of supposed ‘atavism' from the evolutionary camp (whether secularists or professing Christians)- the claim that humans are sometimes born with tails.
S7E35 Tall tales about human tails pa...
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) shows why evolutionary arguments stating that latent genetic information within human DNA is sometimes activated or switched on,‚ resulting in humans being born with features not normally...