Creation Basics
5 Seasons
Creation Basics is designed to make God’s creation part of your everyday conversation. By providing a brief, daily dose of relevant, apologetic content tackling a specific issue, we trust the Lord will lead many to it so as to equip his people and challenge the non-believer to trust the Word of God.
S1E1 Why do people believe there are different races of people?
Episode 1
Racism continues to plague the western world. But what is at the root of all of the confusion surrounding the issue? Discover how the Bible contains the antidote for overcoming this destructive doctrine of persecuting others based primarily on their outward appearance by revealing there is only o...
S1E2 Why is there a ministry called Answers in Genesis?
Episode 2
Many people wonder why there is a ministry called "Answers in Genesis". Find out how all Christian doctrines directly or indirectly are found in Genesis 1-11 and how our name reflects the concept of biblical authority in all areas.‚ ò
S1E3 How can geology affect Christian spirituality?
Episode 3
Many Christians can't see how secular geology has affected the gospel message. But the record of death (fossils) found within the rock layers we see all over the world speak directly to the wages of sin and the reason for Jesus' work on the cross. Find out how.
S1E4 Why should a young earth' even matter to Christians? (Part 1)
Episode 4
Far from being a side-issue, the age of the earth is vital to consistent gospel witness. Many Christians may have never considered the damage to the concept of biblical authority that adopting the secular timescale has done.
S1E5 Why should a young earth' even matter to Christians? (Part 2)
Episode 5
Does the age of the earth affect the gospel? Find out in today's episode. Many Christians may have never considered the damage to the concept of biblical authority that adopting the secular timescale has done.
S1E6 Can you live your life without moral absolutes?
Episode 6
A life without morals is a life without moorings. Those who try and argue for there being no moral absolutes inevitably contradict themselves and reveal their error.
S1E7 Why should a young earth' even matter to Christians? (Part 3)
Episode 7
Far from being a side-issue, the age of the earth is vital to consistent gospel witness. Many Christians may have never considered the damage to the concept of biblical authority that adopting the secular timescale has done.
S1E8 How did you come to know what you know?
Episode 8
Have you ever wondered why you believe, what you believe? Do Christians believe the Bible just because that's what their parents taught them while bible skeptics are free thinkers'?
S1E9 Could belief in evolution be linked to youth suicide?
Episode 9
Could belief in evolution be linked to youth suicide? Suicidal tendencies are often linked to people that believe there is no meaning and purpose in their lives, and that is the dominant worldview being taught in public education today.
04:23Episode 10
S1E10 Where did death come from?
Episode 10
Death is something we all have to deal with, but where did it come from? The Bible describes death as the last enemy that will be destroyed', so it must have had an origin and will definitely have an end. Find out more in today's episode.
S1E11 Should we answer the fool according to his folly or not?
Episode 11
Yes or no? Should we answer the fool according to his folly or not? Proverbs 26:4-5 is a fascinating portion of scripture that applies directly to the topic of origins and how Christians should answers Bible skeptics.
S1E12 Why can't Christians just concentrate on the New Testament?
Episode 12
Why can't Christians just concentrate on the New Testament when sharing the Gospel? Because telling someone about the good news' makes little sense to people who don't know the bad news' in Genesis.
S1E13 Isnt the Question of how God created just like other Denominational Issue?
Episode 13
Aren't Creation theories just like every other theological issue? With so many interpretations of creation from committed believers, why does Answers in Genesis believe the creation issue is different from differing views of baptism, soteriology or end times' etc.?
04:18Episode 14
S1E14 When exactly did the Fall happen?
Episode 14
When exactly did the Fall happen? Many believers think there's no way to know for sure, and some think that allows for the concept of deep time' to be added to the biblical timeline. Find out why Genesis shows we can have confident answers.
S1E15 Term atheist':mean you believe there is no God, or lack of belief in God?
Episode 15
Does atheism mean not believing God exists, or having a lack of belief in a god? Is there a difference and, if there is, why have atheists changed the classical definition of atheist to this new one?
04:23Episode 16
S1E16 Is Atheism a Rational Worldview?
Episode 16
Is atheism a truly rational worldview to hold? Many would say yes, but yet atheists cannot account for the preconditions everyone needs to hold to even to have a rational discussion, such as logic and knowledge itself!
S1E17 Where does the idea the earth is 4.5 billion years old come from?
Episode 17
Where does the idea the earth is 4.5 billion years old come from? Most people would tell you it's because of radiometric dating, but the answer might surprise you!
S1E18 Is there any evidence that God exists?
Episode 18
Is there any evidence that God exists? A good question to ask is What evidence would you expect to find if God does exist?‚
S1E19 Is the concept of Intelligent Design religious or scientific?
Episode 19
A common criticism of the concept of Intelligent Design, is that it's being religious rather than scientific. Is that valid? Actually, all worldviews are inherently religious, and evolutionists should admit that recognition of intelligent design while conducting scientific research is common prac...
S1E20 Don't the facts for evolution speak for themselves?
Episode 20
Are the facts for evolution' so strong they speak for themselves? or are facts spoken for by the people representing them? Are creationists biased while evolutionist aren't?
04:18Episode 21
S1E21 Creation or evolution, who cares?
Episode 21
Creation or evolution? What difference does it make?Following the logical conclusions based on these two ultimate starting points' for existence actually has eternal consequences. What could be more important than that?
04:42Episode 22
S1E22 When did God create dinosaurs?
Episode 22
God created everything, so when did God create dinosaurs? Take a quick walk through biblical history to find an easy answer.
S1E23 What are life's biggest philosophical questions?
Episode 23
What are life's biggest philosophical questions? And what do these 3 big questions have to do with the origins debate?
S1E24 Was Noah's Flood local, & does it really matter what we believe about it?
Episode 24
Was Noah's Flood local just a local flood, and does it really matter what we believe about it? Find out why Noah's Flood being a global flood is key to the gospel message!