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Creation Basics

S1E5 Why should a young earth' even matter to Christians? (Part 2)

Season 1, Episode 5

Up Next in Season 1

  • S1E6 Can you live your life without m...

    A life without morals is a life without moorings. Those who try and argue for there being no moral absolutes inevitably contradict themselves and reveal their error.

  • S1E7 Why should a young earth' even ...

    Far from being a side-issue, the age of the earth is vital to consistent gospel witness. Many Christians may have never considered the damage to the concept of biblical authority that adopting the secular timescale has done.

  • S1E8 How did you come to know what yo...

    Have you ever wondered why you believe, what you believe? Do Christians believe the Bible just because that's what their parents taught them while bible skeptics are free thinkers'?