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Creation Basics

S1E33 Is the creation/evolution debate between Facts and Faith?

Season 1, Episode 33

Up Next in Season 1

  • S1E34 Who gets to decide who lives or...

    Who gets to decide who lives or dies? our modern society likes to portray itself as an advanced and fair culture, with a superior moral and ethical position to those of the past. But is that really the case?

  • S1E35 How Should We Talk to Atheists?

    How should we talk to atheists or anyone who sets themselves against the Gospel? Let's heed the Master's words in Luke 6:31 and do unto others as you would like them to do to you.

  • S1E36 How many kinds of animals were ...

    How many kinds of animals were on the Ark?‚ òSkeptics often ask the question implying the Ark account was impossible!