Creation Basics
5 Seasons
Creation Basics is designed to make God’s creation part of your everyday conversation. By providing a brief, daily dose of relevant, apologetic content tackling a specific issue, we trust the Lord will lead many to it so as to equip his people and challenge the non-believer to trust the Word of God.
05:20Episode 49
S1E49 Were Neanderthals fully human?
Episode 49
Were Neanderthals fully human? Yes! Once again, creation is the better explanation!
S1E50 Was there a single global dispersion of humanity from a central location?
Episode 50
Was there a single global dispersion of humanity? Discover why creation is the better explanation!
S1E51 Does evolution qualify as a scientific theory?
Episode 51
Some say ‘it’s just a theory’, but does evolution even qualify to be called a scientific theory?
S1E52 What is quote mining, and is it legitimate?
Episode 52
What is quote mining, and is it legitimate? Creationists have been accused of doing it both rightly and wrongly. So what’s the difference?
S1E53 Isn’t the Bible full of contradictions?
Episode 53
Some say the Bible is full of contradictions, is that true? Find out how to navigate this objection.
S1E54 How could Noah’s family look after all the Animals on the Ark?
Episode 54
How could Noah’s family look after all the Animals on the Ark? Is this a legitimate objection to biblical authority?
S1E55 Are There Gaps in the Genesis Genealogies?
Episode 55
Are There Gaps in the Genesis Genealogies? Discover why the ‘begats’ we see in God’s word are important and can be trusted as plainly written.
S1E56 Is Young Earth Creation a newer idea (part 1)?
Episode 56
Is Young Earth Creation a newer idea? Many Christian theologians claim this, but is it legitimate?
S1E57 Is Young Earth Creation a newer idea (part 2)?
Episode 57
Is Young Earth Creation a newer idea (part 2)? Many Christian theologians claim this, but is it legitimate?
S1E58 Do dinosaur bones have soft tissue inside?
Episode 58
Do dinosaur (and ‘dinosaur era’ creatures) bones have soft tissue inside? Yes! It’s been found over 80 times now!
S1E59 Where are Christian missionaries needed the most?
Episode 59
Where are Christian missionaries needed the most? Jesus’ command to believers to “Go and make disciples of all the nations” includes their own, where in the past countless missionaries strived long and hard to convert many to the Christian faith, only to see it washed away in a sea of secularism.
05:03Episode 60
S1E60 What is the Master of Disguise?
Episode 60
What is the master of disguise? And what can it tell us about the incredible handiwork of God in His creation?
04:46Episode 61
S1E61 How can we explain the Trinity?
Episode 61
Is God really 3 persons? How can we explain the Trinity? Although all analogies fail, realizing the Creator is reflected in His creation can help us understand.
S1E62 Do snakes have ears? And can you trust the Bible if they don’t?
Episode 62
Do snakes have ears? If not, can you trust the Bible? Psalm 58:3-4 says they do, but some people say they don’t!
04:52Episode 63
S1E63 What do all atheists have to believe?
Episode 63
What do all atheists have to believe? The story of evolution, because they must explain how their existence without God!
S1E64 Is the Samurai crab evidence for evolution?
Episode 64
Is the Samurai crab evidence for evolution? How has this crustacean been used to cripple belief in the Bible?
04:55Episode 65
S1E65 Is Mormonism rooted in evolution?
Episode 65
Is Mormonism rooted in evolution? Many Mormons deny evolution, but a logical conclusion based on their theology might disagree.
05:05Episode 66
S1E66 Are some people born with tails?
Episode 66
Are some people born with tails? Do we really have left-over DNA from our evolutionary past that causes that?
S1E67 What does evolution have to do with philosophy?
Episode 67
What does evolution have to do with philosophy? Is belief in evolution the result of careful, scientific study, or the result of atheistic reasoning?
05:27Episode 68
S1E68 Can we observe evolution?
Episode 68
Can we observe evolution? If not, why? Some say yes and some, no. But isn’t science based on observation?
05:06Episode 69
S1E69 What is retroactive death?
Episode 69
What is the idea of retroactive death? And is it biblical? New ways to try to add millions of years to the Bible seem to never end.
S1E70 Is there a specific way we should interpret scripture?
Episode 70
Is there a specific way we should interpret scripture? And if there is, what does Genesis say about creation?
05:03Episode 71
S1E71 What is Transhumanism?
Episode 71
What is Transhumanism? Does it fit with the Bible? No, because it’s based on the faulty belief in the story of evolution, not scripture!
S1E72 What’s Behind Today’s Attacks on Marriage?
Episode 72
What’s Behind Today’s Attacks on Marriage? Can traditional marriage stand on its own footings without support of the bedrock of Genesis?