Popular science headlines often tout direct or indirect ‘proofs’ of evolution, which are later overturned. In this episode Cal explains how evolutionists recently proclaimed they’d found life on Venus, but have since withdrawn this claim, and why.
Up Next in Season 2
S2E8 Do gems take thousands of years ...
Evolutionists have deeply entrenched beliefs in the idea of millions of years being factual, and often point to rocks and minerals supposedly forming slowly as evidence in their favor. In this episode Cal explains how this claim isn’t consistent with what we observe in nature, but the Bible is.
S2E9 Was there an ice age?
In this episode Cal explains how the Bible and science come together to help us understand the ice age.
S2E10 Do genetic mutations drive evol...
Evolutionists declare the story that beneficial genetic mutations sorted by natural selection, given enough time, could account for the story of molecules to man evolution. In this episode, Cal explains why this is simply not the case, no matter how much time is proposed.