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Creation Basics

S4E5 What does Atheism produce in society?

Season 4, Episode 5

Up Next in Season 4

  • S4E6 A brief history of Ape-men' Par...

    From its inception, the scientific proofs offered in support of the story of human evolution have been riddled with holes, and modern research has shown that many others were driven by scientific ignorance and evolutionary interpretations, rather than solid evidence.

  • S4E7 A brief history of Ape-men' Par...

    Fossils of Cro Magnon, Peking Man, Java Man, Ramapithecus, were once shouted from proverbial evolutionary rooftops in both popular news articles and serious science publications, only to later lose favor among the more progressive evolutionary community. Currently popular candidates such as Homo ...

  • S4E8 A brief history of Ape-men' Par...

    Australopithecus afarensis, or Lucy', is still likely the most well-known modern example of supposed human evolution today. She was once much touted as our supposed human ancestor, and was uniquely named because the Beatles Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' was playing when she was brought togethe...