NoTE: This episode discusses the topic of abortion. Viewer discretion and parental guidance is advised.
The Hebrew word for mercy derives from the word womb, which helps us understand David's praise in Psalm 139, For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.‚
Up Next in Season 1
Life in a Culture of Death (part 2)
Under God, the ministry of the doctor is meant to be a ministry of life and healing; under humanistic man-gods, doctors are increasingly being asked to become murderers. All this is done behind the blasphemous claim that humanism reverences and affirms life.
Biblical Marriage (part 1)
NoTE: This episode discusses sexuality from a biblical perspective. Viewer discretion and parental guidance is advised.
It was the spiritual and cultural heirs of John Calvin, the Puritans, who were really responsible for the elevation of the significance of sex and romance within marriage in We...
Biblical Marriage (part 2)
NOTE: This episode discusses sexuality from a biblical perspective. Viewer discretion and parental guidance is advised.
True biblical religion will lead to a proper, fulfilling and ‘other’-centered view of sex; false religion will produce self-centered, self-gratifying perversion. There is a clo...