NoTE: This episode discusses sexuality from a biblical perspective. Viewer discretion and parental guidance is advised.
It was the spiritual and cultural heirs of John Calvin, the Puritans, who were really responsible for the elevation of the significance of sex and romance within marriage in Western culture. They likewise recognised that sex in marriage was not only for propagating the race but also for marital joy and pleasure.
Up Next in Season 1
Biblical Marriage (part 2)
NOTE: This episode discusses sexuality from a biblical perspective. Viewer discretion and parental guidance is advised.
True biblical religion will lead to a proper, fulfilling and ‘other’-centered view of sex; false religion will produce self-centered, self-gratifying perversion. There is a clo...
Worldview and a Christian Philosophy ...
A historian needs a criterion for distinguishing the historical aspect of reality from all the other aspects. The problem with historicism is that, without the doctrine of creation, it lacks a valid criterion, because the historical aspect of our experience and all reality are reduced to one and ...
Worldview and a Christian Philosophy ...
There can only be a transcendent solution to the problem of history, by the incarnation, death, resurrection, ascension and kingdom rule of the man Jesus Christ. only in the providence and sovereignty of God can we face the future and rest secure in his promise of restoration and renewal for all ...