Creation, Cross & Culture
The Syncretistic Motive of Modern Culture (part 2)
Season 1, Episode 12
From Nimrod's historic axiological rebellion of Babel proceeded an ontological subversion of the whole notion of truth in the development and dissemination of occult and psychological religion: man's idea, not revelation, asserted as the basis of truth.
Up Next in Season 1
Religion and Work
Despite its claims to an exalted position of religious neutrality, secular relativism is self-refuting because it clearly has absolute intent - to control the whole playing field. We must expose secularism's self-deception and confront our culture with biblical truth.
Rousseau and the Makings of the Utopi...
When considering the mission of God and reign of Christ, it is imperative that Christians understand the difference between utopia and the kingdom of God, lest they be found advancing the cause of other gods and another faith.
The Colour of Death (part 1)
Throughout the green movement, many are promoting a culture of death in the name of life, health and eco-justice. Whereas the God of Scripture says, be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it‚, and tells us that children are a heritage and reward from him, this new religion tells us ...