Quick Answers to Tough Questions on Science and the Bible
Creation - Evolution
Why does creation matter? Where did Cain get his wife? Doesn't carbon dating disprove the Bible? Isn't evolution a fact? Hear 15 quick answers to some of the most-asked questions about God, the Bible, and Creation.
Your faith will be encouraged by overwhelming scientific confirmation of God's Word. Learn to give answers for your faith and boldly proclaim the gospel!
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Up Next in Creation - Evolution
Image of God or Planet of the Apes - ...
Will the missing link ever be found? In this engaging talk, Dr. David Dewitt reveals information about DNA, human/ape skull comparisons, and supposed apeman discoveries to critique the evolutionary tree that supposedly links humans to apes.
Could Life Evolve by Chance? Science ...
Did God create life supernaturally, or did simple, non-living chemicals combine and randomly organize themselves into life? Secular scientists have struggled for years to find a good mechanism to explain how life could have formed naturally. However, the chance of randomly making even one useful ...
Millions of Years: The New Gnostic Re...
There is a new gnosticism in the church todaya righteous-sounding disbelief about who Jesus really wasand it's wreaking havoc on Christian families worldwide! This talk is by Steve Ham.