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Replacing Darwin: The New origin of Species (2019) - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

Creation - Evolution

Up Next in Creation - Evolution

  • Evolution and Logical Fallacies - Dr....

    In this informative presentation Dr. Jason Lisle gives viewers a fast-paced course on logic, in addition to reviewing numerous logical fallacies, and giving examples of how evolutionists often use fallacious arguments in arguing for their position.

  • Irrefutable Information

    Information in DNA is one of the most powerful arguments in favor of Creation.

    Learn how information in DNA gives Christians the upper hand in science!

  • Testing Evolution: Exposing Flaws

    ‚ √Ѭ¢ Are humans and chimps only 1 to 2% different?
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ Is the human genome 98% junk, as claimed?
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ Is Mitochondrial Eve evidence for evolution?
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ What are some recent discoveries regarding our chromosomes?
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ What should be done about creation in public schools?
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ Does the...