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The Age of the Earth: Thousands or Millions?

Creation - Evolution

Up Next in Creation - Evolution

  • Creation vs. Evolution

    We all have a worldview: a way of seeing and making sense of everything around us. Creationists and Evolutionists have the same data but interpret it differently. Dr. Haynes shows how our worldview impacts the way we comprehend evidence. She also analyzes some of the evidence evolutionists often ...

  • Creation or Evolution: Where Did All ...

    An amazing variety of animals exist in the world today! Is this the result of millions of years of evolution? No! In this lecture, we will take a look at the biblical account of history to find answers to how animal species formed, as well as address common misconceptions about natural selection,...

  • Inherently Wind

    In one of his most popular talks, Dr. Menton exposes the distortions and inaccuracies in the play and movieInherit the Wind. This influential propaganda piece has deceived a whole generation