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Answers in Genesis - Creation Library Series

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Creation Library
  • The Mammoth and the Ice Age - Michael oard

    Scientist Mike oard solves the baffling mystery of the ice age that followed the biblical flood.

  • Wild, Wild Weather: The Genesis Flood and the Ice Age - Dr. Larry Vardiman

    How does the ice age fit into the biblical timeframe? Dr. Larry Vardiman gives compelling answers based on the book of Genesis and a biblical model of the flood's impact on worldwide weather.

  • The Great Delusion - Ken Ham

    Filled with alarming video segments, this presentation illustrates clear biblical warnings. Discover why Ken Ham believes that America is now under judgmentthe wrath of God described in Romans 1. God is judging America for its rebellion and wickedness. But the good news is we can do something!

  • Creation and the Last Days - Ken Ham

    Do you know the connection between Creation and the last days? Bestselling author Ken Ham reveals how millions of years‚ has infested the church and is part of the fulfillment of prophecies recorded in 2 Peter 3.

  • Jurassic Prank - Dr. Tommy Mitchell

    Dinosaurs . . . mighty creatures that supposedly roamed the earth millions of years ago. Where did they come from? How did they live? Where did they go? Did they really evolve into birds? Do dinosaurs prove evolution?

  • Evidence of Rapid Fossilization - Dr. Andrew Snelling

    Dr. Andrew Snelling graphically illustrates how fossils - the vestiges of once-living organisms - form rapidly, not over millions of years. Fossils point unmistakably to the rapid burial of living things during the global flood cataclysm described in Genesis!

  • Evolution: Not a Chance - Dr. David Menton

    Using practical illustrations, popular scientist Dr. David Menton captivates viewers with fascinating illusions as he explains that evolution doesn't stand a chance when compared to the truth of science, and most importantly, God's Word.

  • Genesis: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle - Calvin Smith

    With so many areas for the church to deal with, we need to ask ourselves, "What is the key issue the church needs to focus on?" Discover the answer in this dynamic video presentation!

  • Darwinian Evolution: Religion of Death, Part 4 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 4: Darwin's hypothesis on the origins of life led to a catastrophically destructive impact on society and Christian theology. Using quotes from Darwin himself, Dr. Mortenson explains how Darwin murdered the Bible's teaching on death, the character of God, the basis for any moral absolutes of...

  • Darwinian Evolution: Religion of Death, Part 3 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 3: Darwin's hypothesis on the origins of life led to a catastrophically destructive impact on society and Christian theology. Using quotes from Darwin himself, Dr. Mortenson explains how Darwin murdered the Bible's teaching on death, the character of God, the basis for any moral absolutes of...

  • Darwinian Evolution: Religion of Death, Part 2 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 2: Darwin's hypothesis on the origins of life led to a catastrophically destructive impact on society and Christian theology. Using quotes from Darwin himself, Dr. Mortenson explains how Darwin murdered the Bible's teaching on death, the character of God, the basis for any moral absolutes of...

  • Darwinian Evolution: Religion of Death, Part 1 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 1: Darwin's hypothesis on the origins of life led to a catastrophically destructive impact on society and Christian theology. Using quotes from Darwin himself, Dr. Mortenson explains how Darwin murdered the Bible's teaching on death, the character of God, the basis for any moral absolutes of...

  • Origin of Species: Was Darwin Right? - Dr. Terry Mortenson

    Take a close look at the claims made in Darwin's world-changing book, origin of Species. Speaker Dr. Terry Mortenson shows that real science always confirms that God's Word is true!

  • Our Created Moon, Part 1 - Dr. Donald DeYoung

    Part 1: This video presentation discusses the various theories about where the moon came from. Dr. Donald DeYoung displays the latest discoveries of astronomy and lunar science to analyze flawed views of the moon's origin. In this illustrated presentation he shows that the moon could only have be...

  • Our Created Moon, Part 2 - Dr. Donald DeYoung

    Part 2: This video presentation discusses the various theories about where the moon came from. Dr. Donald DeYoung displays the latest discoveries of astronomy and lunar science to analyze flawed views of the moon's origin. In this illustrated presentation he shows that the moon could only have be...

  • Our Created Moon, Part 3 - Dr. Donald DeYoung

    Part 3: This video presentation discusses the various theories about where the moon came from. Dr. Donald DeYoung displays the latest discoveries of astronomy and lunar science to analyze flawed views of the moon's origin. In this illustrated presentation he shows that the moon could only have be...

  • Stem Cells, Cloning, and Life - Mike Riddle

    Human stem cells can be used to treat diseases. But are embryonic stem cells as effective as adult stem cells? What is the latest research on the topic? What should a Christian believe? A strong pro-life message!

  • Creation Astronomy - Dr. Jason Lisle

    Dr. Jason Lisle shows viewers that when the evidence of nature is understood properly, it lines up perfectly with the clear teachings of Scripture.

  • Genesis, Babel & the Chinese Language - Dr. Andy McIntosh

    If the Tower of Babel really took place, do we have any evidence today? Dr. McIntosh reveals some astonishing evidence that biblical events are recorded within the written language of ancient China!

  • The Uniqueness of Man - Dr. Stuart Burgess

    This powerful presentation by Dr. Stuart Burgess describes some of the many unique design features of man, and how we are equipped for far more than survival.

  • Artificial Authority - Bill Jack

    Watch as acclaimed youth culture expert Bill Jack exposes the Pharisees‚ of our day as charlatans, posers, and artificial authorities. Recognize how these false teachers effectively and subtly wield their authority to sway even Christians from truth.

  • Image of God or Planet of the Apes - Dr. David A. DeWitt

    Will the missing link ever be found? In this engaging talk, Dr. David Dewitt reveals information about DNA, human/ape skull comparisons, and supposed apeman discoveries to critique the evolutionary tree that supposedly links humans to apes.