Part 3: This video presentation discusses the various theories about where the moon came from. Dr. Donald DeYoung displays the latest discoveries of astronomy and lunar science to analyze flawed views of the moon's origin. In this illustrated presentation he shows that the moon could only have been placed in its orbit by the Creator, not blind chance.
Up Next in Creation Library
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Human stem cells can be used to treat diseases. But are embryonic stem cells as effective as adult stem cells? What is the latest research on the topic? What should a Christian believe? A strong pro-life message!
Creation Astronomy - Dr. Jason Lisle
Dr. Jason Lisle shows viewers that when the evidence of nature is understood properly, it lines up perfectly with the clear teachings of Scripture.
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If the Tower of Babel really took place, do we have any evidence today? Dr. McIntosh reveals some astonishing evidence that biblical events are recorded within the written language of ancient China!