Creation Museum

Creation Museum

This playlist will take you through the Creation Museum where bible history comes to life! This family-friendly attraction near Cincinnati explores creation science with stunning exhibits, dinosaur bones, fossils, botanical gardens, a planetarium, zoo, zip line course, and more.

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Creation Museum
  • S1E47 Encounter the Wonder (2019)

    Prepare to be captivated as a world-class animated program delivers a powerful message of hope for all.

  • Creation Museum - Prepare to Believe

    Bible history comes to life at the Creation Museum! This family-friendly attraction near Cincinnati explores creation science with stunning exhibits, dinosaur bones, fossils, botanical gardens, a planetarium, zoo, zip line course, and more.

  • S1E1 The Lobby Aquarium

    The lobby aquarium at the Creation Museum is a favorite spot for kids and adults! In this episode, we'll pull back the curtain and explore how our dedicated staff help clean and maintain the aquarium and keep the environment healthy for a variety of aquatic creatures.

    Learn what it took to upgra...

  • S1E2 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

    Dr. David Menton was the inspiration for the Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit. He gave a series of talks on this topic and this exhibit captures his talks and passion. The Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit is the most impactful, powerful, and unique pro-life display in the world. This ...

  • S1E39 History of the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum

    A history of Answers in Genesis and its attractions, the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.

  • Journey Through the Creation Museum (2009)

    Get the inside story‚ of the Creation Museum's exhibits, including original exhibits no longer on display, and take a chronological walk through history!

  • Journey Through the Creation Museum Preview

    Three minute overview--Journey Through the Creation Museum

  • Journey Through the Creation Museum 2021

    Millions of people have toured the Creation Museum. Now you can see and learn from the one-of-a-kind displays and exhibits in this brand-new production featuring a walk-through with filmmaker Peter Schriemer.

    Beginning with a brief welcome from Answers in Genesis and museum founder Ken Ham, this...

  • Created Cosmos

    Experience the breathtaking scale and wonder of the universe God has created in this planetarium show from the Creation Museum.

  • Aliens: Fact or Fiction?

    What happens when Science Fiction loses the fiction and is accepted as science?

    Discover what astronomers have found, and what the Bible says about life beyond earth in this planetarium show from the Creation Museum.

  • Fires in the Sky

    Learn about Comet ISoN and find out how comets support a young universe in this preview of a spectacular Creation Museum planetarium show!

  • S1E4 Stargazer Planetarium

    Be some of the first in the world to see our planetarium upgrade as our VP of AV, Ben Wilt, and I walk you through it.

  • S1E32 Looking for the Dinosaurs at the Creation Museum

    Can you guess how many life size dinosaurs there are in the Creation Museum? Ken Ham and Buddy Davis give you a fun tour as they go looking for the dinosaurs.

  • S1E45 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Walkthrough

    This exhibit from the Creation Museum will challenge the culture regarding the abortion issue with the truth from God's Word that we're created fearfully and wonderfully in God's image. It will show that life begins at fertilization as each individual begins with a unique combination of DNA from ...

  • Dedication: New Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Exhibit from Creation Museum (2020)

    This new exhibit will challenge the culture regarding the abortion issue with the truth from God's Word that we're created fearfully and wonderfully in God's image. It will show that life begins at fertilization as each individual begins with a unique combination of DNA from mother and fatherthat...