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Up Next in S1: Critical Thinking 101

  • Critical Thinking Check #3: Check the...

    When you hear a faith-challenging message, it's key to keep in mind where the information is coming from. How credible is the information source? What are the source's likely worldview assumptions or possible motives? How was the information collected? And is the data being accurately reported?

  • Critical Thinking Check #4: Check the...

    Sometimes, words that sound the same carry multiple meanings. So, it's vital to clarify the definitions being used for key any key terms in a message, and to make sure those terms don't subtly switch meanings. Some words, like science and evolution, are especially susceptible to switching meaning...

  • Critical Thinking Check #5: Check for...

    Propaganda is anything that tries to persuade by appealing to something besides logic, like emotions, aesthetics, or humans' desire for acceptance. By taking advantage of mental shortcuts we use in our everyday thinking, propaganda uses psychological manipulation to make messages seem truer than ...