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Up Next in S1: Critical Thinking 101

  • Critical Thinking Rule #1: Don't Panic

    When you first encounter an argument against the Bible you've never heard before, it can be easy to panic, doubt or question your beliefs. But that's the time to take a deep breath and remind yourself what you know: God's word is true, so anything contradictory is false. Here are practical tips t...

  • Critical Thinking Rule #2: Break it D...

    With a framework called the 7 Checks of Critical Thinking, you can break down almost any message that challenges your faith and reach a biblical, logical conclusion yourself. Developed through real-world experience in evolutionary university classes, this critical thinking tool is relevant for an...

  • Critical Thinking Rule #3: Follow Up

    Sometimes, even after applying all the critical thinking steps you know, you may still have some unresolved questions left over. The trouble doesn't start when we begin asking questions; it starts when we stop seeking answers. By seeking answers from three types of trusted sources, you may find t...

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