CT Scan: Critical Thinking Scan
15 Seasons
Critical Thinking Scan with Patricia Engler can help you process any faith-challenging message and reach a biblical, logical conclusion yourself.
What About Slavery in the Bible? (Part 1)
Episode 1
Does the Bible condone slavery? Let’s get to the heart of this significant question by asking some questions of our own, revealing that a Biblical worldview—not an evolutionary one—provides a foundation for valuing all human life. With that in mind, we can start breaking down the slavery question...
Handout 1 - What About Slavery in the Bible? (Part 1)
174 KB
What About Slavery in the Bible? (Part 2)
Episode 2
Does the Bible condone slavery? Let’s apply Critical Thinking Check #4, Check the Definitions, to unpack what slavery in Old and New Testament cultures involved, how it compared to most Westerners’ concepts of slavery today, and how Scripture truly addresses the issue of human exploitation.
Handout 2 - What About Slavery in the Bible? (Part 2)
181 KB
05:09Episode 3
Answering Bible “Contradictions”
Episode 3
Culture often argues the Bible is full of contradictions, and therefore, can’t be trusted. However, a careful look at “contradictory” passages often reveals no contradiction at all. In fact, such passages are often complementary, reflecting the Bible’s eyewitness historicity. Here are some tips f...
Handout 3 - Answering Bible “Contradictions”
180 KB
Does the Bible Borrow from Pagan Legends?
Episode 4
Are the Bible’s accounts of creation, the flood, and Jesus real history, or just spin-offs of ancient Near Eastern myths? Real or imagined similarities between Scripture and folklore have been used to argue that the Bible is just a collection of borrowed myths, but let’s apply some critical think...
Handout 4 - Does the Bible Borrow from Pagan Legends?
182 KB