CT Scan: Critical Thinking Scan
15 Seasons
Critical Thinking Scan with Patricia Engler can help you process any faith-challenging message and reach a biblical, logical conclusion yourself.
05:36Episode 1
What is Brainwashing?
Episode 1
Brainwashing is a highly emotional word that makes for effective propaganda. But what IS brainwashing, anyway? Is it even real? Not everyone thinks so. originally used to describe communist ‘re-education' techniques, brainwashing can now mean anything from sneaky salesmanship to hypothetically ...
Handout 1 - What is “Brainwashing?”
172 KB
05:34Episode 2
Teaching vs. Brainwashing
Episode 2
What's the difference between teaching and brainwashing? Do churches brainwash kids? To find out, let's define instruction and indoctrination. Instruction involves sharing observable (or observed) facts, explaining beliefs, and teaching how to reason about whether those beliefs are likely true. B...
Handout 2 - Teaching vs. “Brainwashing”
165 KB
05:29Episode 3
Hallmarks of Brainwashing‚ Environments
Episode 3
What features do classic brainwashing environments have in common? Robert Lifton, the psychiatrist who first described communist thought reform‚ by interviewing prisoners of the Korean War, identified eight brainwashing hallmarks. Let's take a look, to better recognize potential thought reform‚ i...
Handout 3 - Hallmarks of “Brainwashing” Environments
174 KB
05:32Episode 4
Recognizing Brainwashing Messages
Episode 4
How can you recognize messages promoted by brainwashing, or subversive one-sided indoctrination, in today's culture? Here are some questions you can ask, based on the 7 Checks of Critical Thinking, to discern instruction versus indoctrination in everyday messages.
Handout 4 - Recognizing “Brainwashing” Messages
170 KB
05:17Episode 5
Resisting Brainwashing‚ Conditions
Episode 5
Brainwashing,‚ defined as one-sided indoctrination, can be harder to resist in environments that hamper critical thinking. Classic brainwashing conditions include poor nutrition, isolation, and sleep deprivation, which students may unwittingly experience at university. Here are research-backed ti...
Handout 5 - Resisting “Brainwashing” Conditions
207 KB