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CT Scan: Critical Thinking Scan

Hallmarks of Brainwashing‚ Environments

Season 6, Episode 3

Up Next in S6: "Brainwashing"

  • Recognizing Brainwashing Messages

    How can you recognize messages promoted by brainwashing, or subversive one-sided indoctrination, in today's culture? Here are some questions you can ask, based on the 7 Checks of Critical Thinking, to discern instruction versus indoctrination in everyday messages.

  • Resisting Brainwashing‚ Conditions

    Brainwashing,‚ defined as one-sided indoctrination, can be harder to resist in environments that hamper critical thinking. Classic brainwashing conditions include poor nutrition, isolation, and sleep deprivation, which students may unwittingly experience at university. Here are research-backed ti...