Endosymbiosis is the story of how complex' cells supposedly evolved from simpler' ones. The cells considered most complex, like animal and plant cells, are called eukaryotic, while cells like bacteria are prokaryotic. How did eukaryotic cells get some of the structures prokaryotes lack? Textbooks say these structures evolved when a larger cell engulfed some smaller ones, but let's think about that.
Up Next in S7: "Evidence for Evolution"
Transitional Fossils (Part 1)
Part 1: Transitional fossils supposedly represent animals in some intermediate stage of evolution‚ for example, between fish and land creatures, dinosaurs and birds, or ape-like ancestors and humans. Museums and textbooks cite various transitional fossils as rock-solid evidence for evolution. Her...
Transitional Fossils (Part 2)
Part 2: Transitional fossils supposedly represent animals in some intermediate stage of evolution‚ for example, between fish and land creatures, dinosaurs and birds, or ape-like ancestors and humans. Museums and textbooks cite various transitional fossils as rock-solid evidence for evolution. Her...
Are Horse Fossils Evidence for Evolut...
The horse fossil record is one of the clearest examples of evidence for evolution‚ known to science. At least, that's what many museums and textbooks say. Is there more to the history of horses than many students are told? Let's apply some key critical thinking checks to find out.