A popular argument for junk DNA says that since onions have more non-coding DNA than humans, but are less complex than humans, onions' DNA must be mostly useless junk. Therefore, the non-coding DNA in humans is likely junk as well. Let's think through this argument biblically and critically.
Up Next in S8: Genetics and DNA
What are pseudogenes? Are they really useless genes leftover from evolution? Can they show that different organisms‚ like chimps and humans‚ share the same ancestor? Popular evolutionary arguments would say so, but let's see how to think biblically and critically about such claims.
Genetic Similarities
Does having similar genes mean sharing the same evolutionary ancestor? Popular evolutionary arguments state that genetic similarities (say, between chimps and humans) are prime evidence for evolution. Is that true? Let's see how to think through any such argument biblically and critically.
The Not-So-Universal Genetic Code
Most living things share the same genetic code. Does that mean they also share the same ancestor(s)? Textbooks often say so. However, it's now clear that the genetic code is not universal, as evolutionists once believed, leading some evolutionists to suggest there is no tree of life‚ after all. L...