Defending a Young Earth with Dr. Terry Mortenson

Defending a Young Earth with Dr. Terry Mortenson

25 Episodes

Terry Mortenson holds a Master of Divinity (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) and a PhD in the history of geology (Coventry University). He has lectured on creation in 35 countries and formerly served for 26 years with Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) in the United States and in Eastern Europe. He now serves as an author, speaker, and researcher with Answers in Genesis.

An in-depth 25 episode series that defends a young earth:
1. Origins: Why It Matters - Part 1 and 2
2. Origins and the Biblical Worldview
3. How to Think About Origins
4. Recent Creation in Six Literal Days - Part 1 and 2
5. Millions of years: The Idea’s Origin - Part 1 and 2
6. Big Bang: Exploding the Idolatrous Myth - Part 1,2, and 3
7. Noah’s Flood: The Biblical Evidence
8. Noah’s Flood and a Young Earth - Part 1 and 2
9. The Origin of Plants and Animals - Part 1,2, and 3
10. The Origin of Man - Part 1 and 2
11. Dinosaurs - Part 1 and 2
12. Intelligent Design vs. the Intelligent Design Movement
13. Biblical Inerrancy - Part 1 and 2
14. Theistic Evolution is not the Real Problem

Defending a Young Earth with Dr. Terry Mortenson
  • Defending a Young Earth Summary of Lecture Content

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  • Defending a Young Earth Supplemental Resources

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  • S1E1 The Question of origins: Why It Matters Part 1

    Episode 1

    What is happening in America and the rest of the Western world? Moral insanity, censorship of truth, and loss of liberty prevails. Why? How did we get here? Many Christians today think that the question of origins (and especially the age of the earth) is an unimportant side issue, which can dist...

  • S1E2 The Question of origins: Why It Matters Part 2

    Episode 2

    What is happening in America and the rest of the Western world? Moral insanity, censorship of truth, and loss of liberty prevails. Why? How did we get here? Many Christians today think that the question of origins (and especially the age of the earth) is an unimportant side issue, which can dist...

  • S1E3 Origins and the Biblical Worldview

    Episode 3

    What is a worldview and how is it related to the origins debate. This lecture defines worldview and the important questions that it addresses. Dr. Mortenson gives three reasons why every Christian needs to understand the role of worldviews in this controversy. He explains key points of a truly bi...

  • S1E4 How to Think About origins

    Episode 4

    Dr. Mortenson begins by explaining the significant difference between operation (experimental) science (which produces new technology or finds cures for disease) and origin (or historical) science (which attempts to reconstruct the past events that produced the evidence we see in the present, suc...

  • S1E5 Recent Creation in Six Literal Days Part 1

    Episode 5

    For 200 years Christians have been told that the Bible is just not clear about the length of the days of creation in Genesis 1 and the age of the earth. This presentation presents the strong biblical evidence that God created the universe in six literal days about 6000 years ago. He then refutes...

  • S1E6 Recent Creation in Six Literal Days Part 2

    Episode 6

    For 200 years Christians have been told that the Bible is just not clear about the length of the days of creation in Genesis 1 and the age of the earth. This presentation presents the strong biblical evidence that God created the universe in six literal days about 6000 years ago. He then refutes...

  • S1E7 Millions of Years: The Unscientific origin and Catastrophic Consequences P1

    Episode 7

    To really understand what is wrong with belief in millions of years, we need to go back to the early 19th century and study the origin of this idea. This unique and interesting lecture, based on Dr. Mortenson's PhD research, will clearly show that the idea was not the result of just letting the r...

  • S1E8 Millions of Years: The Unscientific origin and Catastrophic Consequences P2

    Episode 8

    To really understand what is wrong with belief in millions of years, we need to go back to the early 19th century and study the origin of this idea. This unique and interesting lecture, based on Dr. Mortenson's PhD research, will clearly show that the idea was not the result of just letting the r...

  • S1E9 Big Bang: Exploding the Idolatrous Myth P1

    Episode 9

    In a way that is understandable for lay people and teens, this lecture presents many scientific and biblical reasons why we do not need to bow the knee to the big bang theory or any other theory of cosmic evolution (and the associated billions of years). Using quotes by prominent secular astrophy...

  • S1E10 Big Bang: Exploding the Idolatrous Myth P2

    Episode 10

    In a way that is understandable for lay people and teens, this lecture presents many scientific and biblical reasons why we do not need to bow the knee to the big bang theory or any other theory of cosmic evolution (and the associated billions of years). Using quotes by prominent secular astrophy...

  • S1E11 Big Bang: Exploding the Idolatrous Myth P3

    Episode 11

    As in the case of the myth of human evolution, the world is being deceived by art, imagination, and misinterpreted (or even intentionally manipulated) fossils. Evolutionists really don't know how dinosaurs came into existence or how they went extinct, and they have no real evidence (that stands u...

  • S1E12 Noah's Flood: The Biblical Evidence

    Episode 12

    Many Christians today accept the evolutionist claim that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. Most of them have never carefully considered what the Bible says about Noah's Flood. So they believe it was a local flood in the Mesopotamian valley in the Middle East, or a myth. In this lecture Dr. Mort...

  • S1E13 Noah's Flood and Young Earth: The Geological Evidence P1

    Episode 13

    We are constantly told that the geological evidence of rock layers and fossils proves that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old and therefore young-earth creation is pseudo-science. This lecture presents some of the powerful evidence showing that the exact opposite is true. Much visual eviden...

  • S1E14 Noah's Flood and Young Earth: The Geological Evidence P2

    Episode 14

    We are constantly told that the geological evidence of rock layers and fossils proves that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old and therefore young-earth creation is pseudo-science. This lecture presents some of the powerful evidence showing that the exact opposite is true. Much visual eviden...

  • S1E15 The Origin of Plants and Animals P1

    Episode 15

    Dr. Mortenson presents some of the overwhelming scientific evidence from biology and paleontology that neo-Darwinian evolution is false. He shows that evolutionists have used misleading arguments to convince us that the fossils, natural selection, and mutations prove evolution. In fact, the evide...

  • S1E16 The origin of Plants and Animals P2

    Episode 16

    Dr. Mortenson presents some of the overwhelming scientific evidence from biology and paleontology that neo-Darwinian evolution is false. He shows that evolutionists have used misleading arguments to convince us that the fossils, natural selection, and mutations prove evolution. In fact, the evide...

  • S1E17 The origin of Plants and Animals P3

    Episode 17

    Dr. Mortenson presents some of the overwhelming scientific evidence from biology and paleontology that neo-Darwinian evolution is false. He shows that evolutionists have used misleading arguments to convince us that the fossils, natural selection, and mutations prove evolution. In fact, the evide...

  • S1E18 The origin of Man and People Groups P1

    Episode 18

    Evolutionists work hard to convince us that man evolved from ape-like creatures, and an increasing number of theologians and other Christian leaders believe this. Consequently, some of those Christian leaders are also teaching the church that there never was a literal Adam and a literal Fall but...

  • S1E19 The origin of Man and People Groups P2

    Episode 19

    Evolutionists work hard to convince us that man evolved from ape-like creatures, and an increasing number of theologians and other Christian leaders believe this. Consequently, some of those Christian leaders are also teaching the church that there never was a literal Adam and a literal Fall but...

  • S1E20 Dinosaurs: Science and the Bible vs Evolution P1

    Episode 20

    As in the case of the myth of human evolution, the world is being deceived by art, imagination, and misinterpreted (or even intentionally manipulated) fossils. Evolutionists really don't know how dinosaurs came into existence or how they went extinct, and they have no real evidence (that stands u...

  • S1E21 Dinosaurs: Science and the Bible vs Evolution P2

    Episode 21

    As in the case of the myth of human evolution, the world is being deceived by art, imagination, and misinterpreted (or even intentionally manipulated) fossils. Evolutionists really don't know how dinosaurs came into existence or how they went extinct, and they have no real evidence (that stands u...

  • S1E22 The Intelligent Design Movement: It's Strengths and Fatal Flaws

    Episode 22

    Is it biblical to use intelligent design arguments to argue for the existence of God? What about the Intelligent Design Movement (IDM)? Is its strategy in opposing Darwinian evolution something that Bible-believing Christians should embrace? In this lecture Dr. Mortenson illustrates the amazing d...