Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Calendar 2024
March 2024: A Forever Family
Season 1, Episode 4
Bryan and Marla Osborne share their story of how God spoke to their hearts and brought their children, Ian and Macy, to their family through adoption. They describe adoption as a beautiful picture of the gospel of Jesus Christ to be able to pour out God's love to someone and become their forever family; just as we are in God's forever family, as told in Ephesians 1:4-5, Galatians 4:5, and Roman's 6:3-4, God has predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ.
Up Next in Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Calendar 2024
April 2024: A Baby's Lifeline
The placenta and the umbilical cord are very important structures that serve as the baby's lifeline.
Dr. Kaia Kloster presents the late Dr. David Menton's discussion of the placenta; the unsung hero of embryology. The functions the placenta performs to sustain the baby are vast. Dr. Menton lik...
May 2024: The Largest organ
The skin begins to form very early, around 5-8 weeks after fertilization and it is the largest organ. The skin continues to grow with the body and replaces cells, when needed, to keep a healthy covering over the body.
Dr. Kaia Kloster presents the late Dr. David Menton's discussion of the skin; ...
June 2024: A Beating Heart
Dr. Kaia Kloster discusses the remarkable development of the heart in the womb, and the transformation that occurs once the baby is born.
By day 22, the baby has a detectable heartbeat. By week 8, the heart looks and functions very much as it will at birth. While in the womb, the baby's lungs ...
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