Fearfully & Wonderfully Made (2019)

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made (2019)

Dr. David Menton explains the development of an infant from the embryo to birth. Explore the amazing sequence of fertilization, implantation, development of the placenta, and finally the birth process itself.

Also included is the "Dedication of New Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Exhibit from Creation Museum", a special ceremony with the incredible staff who built the "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit.

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Fearfully & Wonderfully Made (2019)
  • Dedication: New Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Exhibit from Creation Museum (2020)

    This new exhibit will challenge the culture regarding the abortion issue with the truth from God's Word that we're created fearfully and wonderfully in God's image. It will show that life begins at fertilization as each individual begins with a unique combination of DNA from mother and fatherthat...

  • Fearfully & Wonderfully Made (2019)

    In this presentation, Dr. David Menton explains the development of an infant from the embryo to birth. Explore the amazing sequence of fertilization, implantation, development of the placenta, and finally the birth process itself.