Genesis Apologetics Ministry

Genesis Apologetics Ministry

The Genesis Apologetics ministry provides practical and easy-to-understand web, video, and written products for pastors, parents, and students. The materials provided will be those that are “core” to the Creationist position, which are generally held in agreement with leading creation ministries, such as Answers in Genesis. We generally avoid “fringe” evidences that are controversial between these and other Creationist associations.

Note: We are thrilled to partner with like-minded ministries to bring you a variety of faith-building content. Please be aware there may be some denominational views expressed that do not necessarily reflect the non-denominational stand of Answers In Genesis.

Genesis Apologetics Ministry
  • Road To Emmaus

    The Gospel of Luke provides one of the most mysterious accounts in the Bible: The resurrected Jesus shows up to two of his followers, hides his identity from them, and walks with them to a village called Emmaus. After interviewing them about himself and his recent crucifixion, he rebukes them for...

  • The Ark and the Darkness

    Movie + 1 extra

    This film will take you from the creation to the fall of man, to the pre-flood world and then a deep dive into the flood itself. Afterwards, you'll visit the post-flood world and then travel to today.

  • The Ark and the Darkness - Abridged Version

    This film will take you from the creation to the fall of man, to the pre-flood world and then a deep dive into the flood even itself. Afterword you'll visit the post-flood world and then travel to today.

  • Foundations

    What we believe about the past—even the distant past—has an impact on how we live our lives today, including our choices, values, and moral foundation, and yes, even our destiny. Our Foundations illustrates this by walking through a young man’s life (Parker) in three different scenarios: Atheisti...

  • Pangea: Continental Drift‚ or Sprint‚ During Noah's Flood?

    Natural history museums have displays and animations that try to make the case that the continents were once joined in a formation called Pangea and then slowly moved apart to their current locations over tens of millions of years. While it's actually quite obvious that the continents were in fac...

  • Noah's Flood and Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (from Pangea to Today)

    Noah's flood occurred just thousands of years ago and wiped out all terrestrial life on earth, save just thousands of animal "kinds" and 8 people on the Ark. Catastrophic rifting resulted in cycling tsunamis that brought water and sediment onto land and resulted in the movement of the continents ...

  • The Fossil Record Proof of Noah's Flood

    Sixteen minutes of convincing evidence that the Fossil Record supports the year-long Genesis Flood describes in Genesis 6-9. The geologic column is filled with fossils. Does the fossil record provide evidence of Noah's Flood, or evolution over "millions of years"?

    Note: We are thrilled to partne...

  • Homo Habilis: Evidence for Evolution or Extinct Ape?

    Natural History Museums everywhere display line-ups of ape-to-human icons that supposedly show how humans evolved from ape-like creatures millions of years ago. one step in this line up is Homo habilis. This icon is not represented by a single complete skeleton and has only about 100 bones assign...

  • Whale Evolution

    Natural history museums promote the idea that whales evolved from any number of possible mammal ancestors. This list includes bears, mesonychids, hyena-like creatures, hippo-like creatures, cat-like creatures, wolf-like creatures, deer-like creatures, and lion-like creatures. over the years, evol...

  • Genesis Creation Days - Did God Really Create in Six ordinary Days

    Did God create the "Heavens, Earth, Sea, and everything in them" in just six days as God Himself said in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:11)?

    Note: We are thrilled to partner with like-minded ministries to bring you a variety of faith-building content. Please be aware there may be some denominat...

  • Conclusion and observational vs Historical Science

    Natural History Museums create the impression that scientists from every field unanimously support the idea that evolution over millions of years explains all life on earth. But is this idea based on real, testable science? the same type of scientific method used today for putting people on the m...

  • Deep Time and Radiometric Dating

    Natural history museums are steeped in deep time. Everywhere you looksometimes on each wall of a museumthe idea of millions of years and evolution combine to explain the origin of all life on Earth. Are these ages reliable, or does the Bible present a history that better fits the data?

  • Dinosaur Extinction: Noah's Flood or an Asteroid?

    Natural History Museums attribute the dinosaur extinction to the Chicxulub asteroid hitting the Yucat‚àön peninsula of Mexico 66 million years ago. How can this single event explain the simultaneous extinction of all dinosaurs around the world, including a massive dinosaur kill zone in North Ame...

  • Foundations Trailer

    What we believe about the past—even the distant past—has an impact on how we live our lives today, including our choices, values, and moral foundation, and yes, even our destiny. Our Foundations illustrates this by walking through a young man’s life (Parker) in three different scenarios: Atheisti...

  • The Fossil Record and Transitional Forms

    Natural history museums have some of the most amazing fossil collections in the world. These fossils are typically used to frame the idea of life slowly progressing over millions of years, rather than a worldwide catastrophe being the best explanation for the majority of the fossil record.
    Are t...

  • Darwin's Finches

    Natural History Museums everywhere feature Darwin's Finches as evidence for evolution theory. How do these finches support the idea of evolution? Are the changes we observe in finch beaks due to evolution or epigenetics?

  • Human Evolution Tree and March of Progress

    Natural History Museums and school textbooks display human evolution trees‚ or march of progress‚ infographics that supposedly show humans evolving from ape-like creatures over millions of years. Do these human evolution trees reflect the truth about our origins? or does the Biblical account actu...

  • Neanderthals: Evidence for Evolution or Just Human?

    Natural History Museums everywhere display line-ups of ape-to-human icons that supposedly show how humans evolved from ape-like creatures millions of years ago. The last step in this line up are Neanderthals, holding the 40,000 to 400,000 years ago‚ time slot. Just decades ago, Neanderthals were ...

  • Lucy‚ the Australopithecus Afarensis: Evidence for Evolution or Extinct Ape?

    Natural History Museums everywhere display line-ups of ape-to-human icons that supposedly show how humans evolved from ape-like creatures millions of years ago. one step in this line up is Australopithecus Afarensis, with the leading specimen named Lucy.‚ Is Lucy evidence that humans evolved mill...

  • Ardipithecus Ramidus: Evidence for Evolution or Extinct Ape?

    Ardipithecus Ramidus: Evidence for Evolution or Extinct Ape? Natural History Museums everywhere display a line-up of ape-to-human icons that supposedly show how humans evolved from ape-like creatures millions of years ago. Ardipithecus ramidus, or Ardi‚ is one of these famous icons, supposedly ho...

  • Human Chimp DNA Similarity--Is it really 98%?

    Does human and chimp DNA overlap by 98%? The idea that human and chimp DNA overlap by 98 to 99 percent has been widely used to promote the idea that humans and chimps shared a common ancestor millions of years ago. But have you considered how they came up with this estimate?

  • Before You Visit a Natural History Museum...

    This video provides a short overview of the 12+ supporting videos for Genesis Apologetics / "Genesis Impact". Topics include the primary evolutionary viewpoints presented in Natural History Museums: the Human-Chimp 99% Myth, key ape-to-human icons like Ardipithecus ramidus, Lucy‚ the Australopith...

  • What about Lucy: Is that you, Great-Great-Grandma?

    Lucy, the leading icon used for promoting human evolution in public schools, is reviewed and debunked in minutes using only secular science sources.

    Note: We are thrilled to partner with like-minded ministries to bring you a variety of faith-building content. Please be aware there may be some de...

  • Darwin's Finches

    Natural History Museums everywhere feature Darwin's Finches as evidence for evolution theory. How do these finches support the idea of evolution? Are the changes we observe in finch beaks due to evolution or epigenetics?