Dinosaur Extinction: Noah's Flood or an Asteroid?
Genesis Apologetics Ministry
Natural History Museums attribute the dinosaur extinction to the Chicxulub asteroid hitting the Yucat‚àön peninsula of Mexico 66 million years ago. How can this single event explain the simultaneous extinction of all dinosaurs around the world, including a massive dinosaur kill zone in North America that spans three countries and fourteen states, stretching over 1,800 miles long and 1,000 miles wide? over a million square miles across the American West are filled with every kind of dinosaur, and they're all mixed with other land animals including birds and all sorts of marine life like clams, rays, and sharks. In addition, many of these layers filled with dinosaurs are stacked one on top of the other. Could a single asteroid that hit over 1,500 miles away from the heart of this disaster zone really be responsible for all this? Watch this video to find out. We also cover the K-PG Boundary (previously "K-T Boundary") and dinosaur extinction. Noah's Flood provides a convincing explanation for dinosaur extinction.
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