Genesis Creation Days - Did God Really Create in Six ordinary Days
Genesis Apologetics Ministry
Did God create the "Heavens, Earth, Sea, and everything in them" in just six days as God Himself said in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:11)?
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Conclusion and observational vs Histo...
Natural History Museums create the impression that scientists from every field unanimously support the idea that evolution over millions of years explains all life on earth. But is this idea based on real, testable science? the same type of scientific method used today for putting people on the m...
Deep Time and Radiometric Dating
Natural history museums are steeped in deep time. Everywhere you looksometimes on each wall of a museumthe idea of millions of years and evolution combine to explain the origin of all life on Earth. Are these ages reliable, or does the Bible present a history that better fits the data?
Dinosaur Extinction: Noah's Flood or ...
Natural History Museums attribute the dinosaur extinction to the Chicxulub asteroid hitting the Yucat‚àön peninsula of Mexico 66 million years ago. How can this single event explain the simultaneous extinction of all dinosaurs around the world, including a massive dinosaur kill zone in North Ame...
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