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The Ark and the Darkness - Abridged Version

Genesis Apologetics Ministry

Up Next in Genesis Apologetics Ministry

  • Foundations

    What we believe about the past—even the distant past—has an impact on how we live our lives today, including our choices, values, and moral foundation, and yes, even our destiny. Our Foundations illustrates this by walking through a young man’s life (Parker) in three different scenarios: Atheisti...

  • Pangea: Continental Drift‚ or Sprint‚...

    Natural history museums have displays and animations that try to make the case that the continents were once joined in a formation called Pangea and then slowly moved apart to their current locations over tens of millions of years. While it's actually quite obvious that the continents were in fac...

  • Noah's Flood and Catastrophic Plate T...

    Noah's flood occurred just thousands of years ago and wiped out all terrestrial life on earth, save just thousands of animal "kinds" and 8 people on the Ark. Catastrophic rifting resulted in cycling tsunamis that brought water and sediment onto land and resulted in the movement of the continents ...