Geology with Dr. Snelling
Dr. Andrew Snelling holds a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, Australia. He serves as Answers in Genesis’ Director of Research and is the Editor-in-Chief of the online Answers Research Journal. Dr. Snelling is active in research and writes and also speaks on topics such as the Flood, fossils, and the Grand Canyon.
Evidence of Rapid Fossilization - Dr. Andrew Snelling
Dr. Andrew Snelling graphically illustrates how fossils - the vestiges of once-living organisms - form rapidly, not over millions of years. Fossils point unmistakably to the rapid burial of living things during the global flood cataclysm described in Genesis!
Age of the Earth
Join Dr. Andrew Snelling as he uses the Bible to discuss and refute some of the crucial components of the "millions of years" theory.
Dr. Andrew Snelling: Science Confirms a Young Earth
The reEngage Conference brought Ken Ham and Andrew Snelling to re-engage Christians in their church, community, and culture. Filmed live before an Australian audience.
Dr. Andrew Snelling reveals the faulty logic of some evidence interpretation methods. There is much evidence that confirms the e...
Grand Canyon: Testimony to the Biblical Account of Earth's History-Dr A Snelling
Grand Canyon offers some of the most breathtaking vistas in the world, but did the tiny Colorado River really carve this massive feature? Evolutionary thinking about Grand Canyon requires the passage of millions of years. Dr. Andrew Snelling uses diagrams, beautiful photographs of the canyon, and...
Dr. Andrew Snelling: Fossils & Rock Layers: The Flood, not Evolution & Millions
Dr. Andrew Snelling: Fossils & Rock Layers: The Flood, not Evolution & Millions of Year
The reEngage Conference brought Ken Ham and Andrew Snelling to re-engage Christians in their church, community, and culture. Filmed live before an Australian audience.
Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling shows tha...
Circular Reasoning in Dating Methods
Join Dr. Andrew Snelling as he takes a close examination of radiocarbon, tree rings, and varves.
Recent Rapid Formation of Coal and oil
Dr. Andrew Snelling looks at evidence to confirm the recent, rapid formation of coal and oil as a result of the biblical flood.
Radiohalos - Dr. Andrew Snelling
Radiohalos: Evidence of Accelerated Radioactive Decay and Catastrophic Geological Processes
Radiohalos have been described as a very tiny mystery‚ hidden in the crystals that make up rocks. Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling explains how these tiny mysteries help to unlock a biblical understanding of...
The Flood:The Big Picture‚ of Its Mechanism & Resulting Evid-Dr Andrew Snelling
Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling presents several lines of evidence that both confirm the biblical account of the global Flood, and cannot be explained by evolutionary models. From deep sea fossils high atop the Himalayas to the movement of the continents during the Flood, the big picture comes into...
Noah's Flood and the Age of the Earth - Dr. Andrew Snelling
This presentation reveals the failed attempts of evolutionists to account for their proposed millions of years of earth history, and points to the true biblical age of our planet. As the Apostle Peter warned, there are those who scoff at the biblical account of the Flood and the young age of the ...
Radioactive and Radiocarbon Dating: Turning Foe into Friend- Dr. Andrew Snelling
Few people who think that radiometric dating proves the earth is billions of years old really understand the underlying assumptions. Using simple illustrations, geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling examines these assumptions and equips viewers with information to counter their anti-biblical arguments. T...
Rock Strata, Fossils, and the Flood
What geologic evidence for the Flood should we expect to find today? Genesis describes the Flood waters as covering all the mountains everywhere, so we would expect to find evidence that:
1. The ocean waters flooded over the continents
2. Rapid burial of creatures and plants
3. Widespread rapidly... -
Scripture and Science Declare a Young Earth
God has told us how and when He created the earth. He has not deceived us. We deceive ourselves if we ignore His eyewitness testimony.
Genesis records God creating the earth on Day 1 of the Creation Week and man on Day 6. The genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11, and Luke 3:23-38 enable us to calcul... -
Fossils: Buried in the Flood
Starting from the Biblical description of the Flood, this presentation is an overview of six easily-grasped, convincing, large-scale evidences for the Flood. Visit examples of fossils and rock layers from the Grand Canyon that can be found across the North American continent and beyond.
Dr. Andr...