What geologic evidence for the Flood should we expect to find today? Genesis describes the Flood waters as covering all the mountains everywhere, so we would expect to find evidence that:
1. The ocean waters flooded over the continents
2. Rapid burial of creatures and plants
3. Widespread rapidly-deposited rock layers
4. Long distance of sediment transport
5. Rapid or no erosion between rock layers
6. Rapid succession of rock layers
We do find that evidence:
1. Marine fossils in rock layers covering the continents, even in high mountains such as the Himalayas. For example, the Redwall Limestone in Grand Canyon high above sea level and well inland contains countless fossil clams, corals, broken crinoids, and even large nautiloids in distinct rapidly-deposited layers.
2. Extensive massive accumulations of fossils in graveyards, in which many fossils have been exquisitely preserved. Many fossil graveyards are not only extensive but contain fossils of both marine and land creatures. And the many well-preserved fossils of fish, trilobites, jellyfish, fish eating fish, ichthyosaurs giving birth, and even flowers indicate burial and fossilization had to be extremely rapid.
3. Rock layers that can be traced all the way across continents and even between continents, with features in them that indicate they were rapidly deposited. For example, the Tapeats Sandstone in Grand Canyon can be traced across North America to Greenland and across north Africa to southern Israel. The Redwall Limestone can be traced across North America and Europe to the Himalayas. And the English chalk beds can be traced right across Europe to Israel and Kazakhstan, across the mid-USA and to Western Australia.
4. The sediments in the widespread rapidly-deposited rock layers had to be eroded sand transported from distant source areas.
5. Either of rapid erosion indicated by boulders or no erosion indicated by flat, featureless, knife-edge boundaries between rock layers.
6. Folding of whole rock layer sequences without fracturing indicating all the layers had to be deposited rapidly in succession and bent while before they could harden, and polystrate fossils requiring many rock layers to bury them before they could rot or erode.
Evolutionary geologists insist the fossils were formed as sediment layers accumulated slowly over more than 500 million years. However, the evidence is only consistent with the catastrophic global Flood described in the Bible.
Whose view is correct? That of the fallible scientists who were not there to witness the rocks and fossil forming, or that of God the Creator, who was there, who has told us what He did and what happened, confirmed by the testimony of Jesus Christ?
Dr. Andrew Snelling earned his PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, Australia. https://answersingenesis.org/bios/andrew-snelling/
Photo by Tom Gainor on Unsplash
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