Grace Relations

Grace Relations

Typical “Race Relations” efforts focus on friction, which is a symptom of a much bigger issue. Decades of secular Race Relations efforts have typically resulted in more heat than change. “Grace Relations” focuses on the heart and promotes conversations that ease friction and lead to collaborations; people of different skin tones and social backgrounds working together toward the common goal of biblical change that demonstrates love for God and our neighbor. Grace based collaborations are guided by scripture, change the heart, and engage the culture. ”Grace Relations” conforms to God’s written word and transforms culture! The ultimate goal is that we know and grow in our love for God, and our neighbor.

This self-paced online course consists of six 30-minute video sessions, each featuring Dr. Charles Ware who teaches Grace Relations at the College of Biblical Studies in Indiana.

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Grace Relations
  • Session 1 - Dream

    Dream: To Be the Person God Wants Me to Be!

    How can you craft a biblical dream/vision? You must first listen to God through His word to discern what biblical gospel-centered reconciliation looks like, especially within the local church. objective is to understand the foundation (the gospel), ...

  • Handout 1 - Dream

    503 KB

    Discussion questions to use with Grace Relations session one.

  • Session 2 - Reality

    "I Can't Breathe." Systemic racism? What is going on in the culture?
    Many ask, "What about abortion or blacks killing blacks?"

    You will learn about some of the cultural symptoms and the biblical root of humanity's often destructive, oppressive, and deadly relationships with other human beings...

  • Handout 2 - Reality

    501 KB

    Discussion questions to use with Grace Relations session two.

  • Session 3 - Expectations

    "Can't We All Just Get Along?"
    overcoming racism is impossible if we try to do it any way but God's way. This session shows you how to face your fears and strengthen your faith so that by God's grace you can engage in loving collaborations, God's way. opposition is real and normal, but walking ...

  • Handout 3 - Expectations

    501 KB

    Discussion questions to use with Grace Relations session three.

  • Session 4 - Applications

    What can you actually do? Discover the power of us and us‚. How can the grace of God potentially enable you in your own cultural context to bring biblical gospel-centered "us and us" change? Change that is both comprehensive and God-honoring. Dr. Ware reveals how to understand your context and de...

  • Handout 4 - Applications

    503 KB

    Discussion questions to use with Grace Relations session four.

  • Session 5 - Assessment

    Assessing Your Adequacy: Am I Ready for This?‚

    Lasting change is the result of progressive and continual spiritual growth. If you have received Jesus as your Savior, God's grace has already given you everything you need for effective and fruitful living through the power of the Holy Spirit livi...

  • Handout 5 - Assessment

    503 KB

    Discussion questions to use with Grace Relations session five.

  • Session 6 - Measurables

    This powerful session is about evaluating results and clarifying next steps that you must take, by the grace of God, to have respectful conversations that lead to loving collaborations that are committed to personal and community change. Step onto God's path!

  • Handout 6 - Measurables

    504 KB

    Discussion questions to use with Grace Relations session six.