How Do We Know the Bible is True?

How Do We Know the Bible is True?

4 Episodes

How Do We Know the Bible Is True? is an essential primer of basic Christianity and apologetics that every believer should know. A 4-part collection, it is excellent both for personal enrichment and small group studies.

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How Do We Know the Bible is True?
  • The Life of William Tyndale

    Episode 1

    At a time when reading the Bible in English was punishable by death, William Tyndale was used mightily of God to translate and print the Scriptures into English. Giving ordinary people the opportunity to read God's Word, Tyndale's work has influenced English translations for over 400 years!

  • Scripture Under Scrutiny

    Episode 2

    Translated into more than 420 languages, the Bible is still the world's best-selling book. But where does our Bible come from and why can we be sure that it is reliable? These and many other questions are answered in this presentation.

  • Why 66? The Canon of Scripture

    Episode 3

    It has become all to common for critics to dismiss the Bible's credibility. It is time for some plain and simple truth. Join us as we trace the story of the Hebrew Scriptures and the writing and acceptance of the books of the New Testament.

  • The Authentic Christ

    Episode 4

    By studying the fulfillment of old Testament prophecies and how these prophecies point to the coming of Christ, Christians will understand as never before the amazing significance of Jesus of Calvary and all that His death means for us.